2010년 11월 19일 금요일

2010년 11월 12일 금요일


I went to Michigan last weekend Friday, Saturday, Sunday

I met a girl who is playing piano she was really good at piano and professional

we went to many Korean Restaurant

Although I had some problem with my friends

and found out one of my friend has a problem

But trip to Michigan was exciting :)

2010년 11월 5일 금요일

Research paper process

Research paper is the hardest thing for me of all of the writing projects.
It is hard to read and understand all materials which are related with my research,
So at first I just copied and pasted materials
But today professor said that for research paper
my opinion is the most important thing
so until Monday I will edit my research paper
and include my opinion

2010년 11월 1일 월요일

Writing Process

Research paper was the hardest project for me so far.
It is hard to find some materials
and for me it takes a lot of time to read all materials.